Urlaub machen in Brandenburg

Unser Hygienekonzept für einen gesunden Urlaub

Legal info

Landgut Stober GmbH & Co Betriebs KG
Behnitzer Dorfstraße 27-31
14641 Nauen OT Groß Behnitz

Phone: ++49 (0)33239 - 20 44 0
Fax: ++49 (0)33239 - 20 44 68

Email: info@landgut-stober.de
Internet: www.landgut-stober.de

Gerneral Terms and Conditions:
for Hotel
for Events

Representative Managing Director:
Michael Stober
General Manager:
Tanja Getto-Stober

District court:
HRA (commercial registry): 4355 P

VAT identification number in accordance with § 27a of the Value Added Tax Act:
DE 255619754

Notice according to § 36 Consumer Dispute Participation Act (VS BG) and Dispute Resolution Platform
We do not participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board and are not obliged to do so.

Landgut Stober is the first organic certified hotel in Berlin and Brandenburg. We are a certified green hotel and certified conference hotel, so certified by the VDR (association of German travel managers). We are a referenced location in BUGA 2015. We are a bed&bike hotel in the newly established movelo region of Havelland.
We are a member of the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU), the Association for the Development of Organic Farming (FÖL) and the Demeter Society.


Unsere schönen Bilder stammen von Darek Gontarski, Berlin (gontarski.net), Peter Stumpf, Düsseldorf (peterstumpf.com), Jana Stritzke, Berlin (janastritzke.de/, Jens Ahner, Berlin (ja-hochzeitsfotografie.de), Katrin Andrzejewski, Kartendesign-Berlin und Hochzeitsfotografie (kartendesign-berlin.de), Andrea Gomoll, Falkensee (gomoll-design.de)  und Copyright Michael Stober.

Bilder von Fotolia:
© BeTa-Artworks - Fotolia.com
© unpict - Fotolia.com
© imagox - Fotolia.com
© dd - Fotolia.com
© Sergey Ryzhov - Fotolia.com
© Jürgen Fälchle - Fotolia.com
© Eddie - Fotolia.com
© .shock - Fotolia.com
© goodluz - Fotolia.com
© Jürgen Fälchle - Fotolia.com
© 24032009 - Fotolia.com

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Facebook: https://de-de.facebook.com/LandgutStober/
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