Short-term meetings in the countryside near Berlin

Take advantage of the opportunity for sustainable, natural days, only 30 km from the city limits of Belin.

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Close to nature & close to Berlin

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Short-term meetings in the countryside on the lake close to nature & close to Berlin

Go on a journey of discovery! Holidays, excursions or a day trip - the Havelland, only 20 minutes by car west of the Berlin city limits, is wonderfully suitable for a holiday on the Havel. The region invites you to go swimming, water hiking, cycling, relaxing or golfing. The incredibly pristine nature in a water-rich environment is perfect for long hikes, on which there is always something to discover.

Follow in the footsteps of Queen Luise, Theodor Fontane, August Borsig, Otto Lilienthal and Albert Einstein. Discover castles and gardens or visit the pear tree of Mr. von Ribbeck on Ribbeck in Havelland. Relax in the green - near the capital Berlin. Some of the little special features will inspire and astonish you, because the Havelland is surprisingly different!

Sustainable meetings at the lake in the Berlin area

The location of our conference location 30km from Berlin

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